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But when those in power threaten to break up the band, Inu-oh and Tomona must dance and sing to uncover the truth behind their creative gifts. The pair quickly become business partners and inseparable friends as crowds flock to their electric, larger-than-life concerts. When he meets the blind musician Tomona, a young biwa priest haunted by his past, Inu-oh discovers a captivating ability to dance. In 2020, INU-OH was presented as a work in progress at the festival.īorn to an esteemed family, Inu-oh is afflicted with an ancient curse that has left him on the margins of society.

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In addition to the feature presentation at the festival, the visionary filmmaker has returned to Annecy honored as the patron of the 2022 Mifa campus.

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GKIDS has released an all-new trailer for Inu-Oh, the latest feature film from renowned director Masaaki Yuasa (Ride Your Wave, Keep Your Hands Off Of Eizokuen!), ahead of the film’s presentation at this year’s Annecy International Animation Film Festival.

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